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Welcome to Rancho Del Corazon

Sit-back, relax, and let your mouse pull this enchanted electronic carriage (yes, just like with Cinderella), and explore our little avocado wonderland . Enjoy the ride! 

IMPORTANT NOTE: to prevent your computer from turning into a pumpkin, be sure to return home before midnight, lest ye wind up with a very expensive jack-o-lantern..................

Once upon a time, overlooking a mystical valley in the enchanted land of Mucho Guacamole, there was a rancho.........

An early morning view  to the east across the valley to Mt. Palomar
Family Citrus Grove
Midday view from the office.
Garden Room Entrance With
Stairs To Loft & Personal Growth Workshop Area 
Garden Room 

Visiting Neighbor
Family/Dining Room

Tigerlilly, Having Her Nap

Click here to continue your journey

"Inspiring people the world over to a new level of thinking about who they are, what they've got, and how to more effectively and successfully present themselves to the world."
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