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Course Availibility

Available now

Meditation and Guided Imagery:
A comprehensive course in how to meditate and use guided imagery for positive changes in your life. Includes audio clips to assist you.

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Available now

Creating Wealth from the Inside Out:
The real basis for creating wealth is aligning your beliefs and consciousness with prosperity thinking. This course guides you in all the necessary steps!

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Coming soon Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen:
Based on Patricia's book, this course shows you how to create and use effective affirmations and visualizations to manifest what you want in life.
Coming soon Reducing Stress is an Inside Job:
Mental, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual steps to reducing stress are all covered in this course. A must for everyone in our fast paced world!
Coming soon

Finding Your Ideal Life Work:
If you have been dreaming of a new and more satisfying career, this course will assist you in finding it.







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